Course curriculum

    1. History Of Orthodontics

    2. Facial and Occlusion

    3. Anterior teeth positions

    4. Skeletal Patterns

    5. Other Reasons for orthodontics

    1. Biofilm

    2. Biofilm Disclosing- Why?

    3. Caries

    4. Professional Maintenance of the Orthodontic patient - Dr Derek Mahony and Tabitha

    1. Scanning

    2. Photography

    3. The New Patient Appointment with Cheryl Dey

    4. Clinical Photography - overview of why photography is important ( optional)

    1. Clear Aligners with Cheryl Dey

    1. Bonded Brackets with Cheryl Dey

    1. Orthodontic Appliances

    2. Early Intervention Orthodontics with Dr Seerone Anandarajah

About this course

  • $200.00
  • 23 lessons
  • 8 hours of video content