Course curriculum

    1. History Of Orthodontics

    2. Facial and Occlusion

    3. Occlusion

    1. Scanning

    2. Photopgraphy

    3. The New Patient Appointment with Cheryl Dey

    4. Clinical Photography - overview of why photography is important ( optional)

    1. Aligners with Cheryl Dey

    2. Attachment video

    3. Factors Influencing Patient Compliance During Clear Aligner Therapy

    4. Clear aligners in orthodontic treatment

    1. Scope of Practice

    2. Dental Board Scope Of Practice

    3. Continuing Education

    1. IPR with Cheryl Dey

    2. IPR - Black Triangles

    3. Interproximal enamel reduction as a part of orthodontic treatment

    1. Retention

    2. Retention with Cheryl Dey

About this course

  • $200.00
  • 19 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content